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100 hours No sleep challenge: Attempt 1: Me after 30 hours…

This Video post shows Ganesh (me) explaining his experiences after just completing 30 hours of not sleeping in his run to achieve 100 hours of Non Stop No sleep !

This is my first Video post in my Video blog.
Primary Language : Tamil
Runtime : 10:50 mins
Part : One

Well, my first attempt on ‘100 hours No sleep challenge’ which I took two weeks ago. And here is me after 30 hours…

Summary :

#For Non Tamil Audiences, Here is a summary in English about the experiences.

While convincing myself to take this challenge as my first video post in my vblog, I go on explaining what incidents that happened after the start time Nov 22, 2015 Sunday 14:00 IST

The very first thing happened is playing ” Blur ” with my roomie, followed by call from my school mate Muthu and then sorting out the issue of our website “” which went down that morning. This was interrupted by Donna, who around 7:00 PM reminded us of the supposed to be happening ‘Record Sessions’ for OutFocus (…) channels new segment “Space-i-fy”. After having a small brainstorming session around 7:30 and a quick dinner, the recording sessions commenced around 9:30 PM. After nearly 5-6 attempts, the recording sessions got over and it’s when Arul Murugan asked me to take printouts of his Lab Results. A small midnight mess break. It’s during the small chat session with my friends, I was reminded about the Assignment to be submitted. Staying at the room was when the actual dilemma happened. While my eyes begged me to show mercy, my mind had it’s stubbornness. Having Green Tea, switching between activities had less effect, it was Swans’s Seer (…) and TOOL songs that helped me to stay focused towards my Goal. Sun gave a hope. Had a hot shower and ate two idlis, hurried to attend classes and came back to Library at 11:00 AM. Stayed there till 5:00 PM, watching movie and spending some time surfing but the real problem was I didn’t even know what I was even surfing ! Damn. Then had an Iced Tea, and a quick walk. ?Then thought of recording all the above incidents and here it is !

Do have a look on OutFocus Show (…), a student initiative, where a new small interesting videos are published every month. Do check it out, and don’t forgot to subscribe !!